We split our time between the BLM campground, Goose Island, and a disbursed area; Dubinky Well Road which runs off of SR 313. Right here: 38.64362 -109.81953
This site is actually the top of a small "mesa" accessed by a narrow dirt road. Excellent VZ internet service and TV.
Our campsite. It was just us.
Our view of the LaSal Mountains
Red rocks at sunset looking the other way.
We took some rides on Jeep trails, had breakfast in town, now and then, and had a fine time.
On Monday Feb 6, a big winter storm was projected to begin moving into the mountains along I-70 so few decided to head home. Good thing, too. There were hurricane force winds around the Vail area that caused the highway to shut down.
Fishers Towers
Some snow at higher elevations.
Back home planning this Spring and Summers trips.