Sunday, September 25, 2011

Grand Haven

We arrived at the Grand Haven State Park on Tuesday, the 20th. We got a very nice site directly on the beach overlooking the jetty and lighthouse.
Saw Pam Summers Lazy Daze as soon as we pulled in. Later in the day, Pam stopped by for a nice visit.
We’ve been to Grand Haven before but during July when the place was packed. This time, we had our choice of campsites. This is our favorite MI state park. There is a 2 mile long paved multi-use trail running along the waterfront to the downtown area; that was our daily walk.
On Wednesday we walked down to the Farmers Market for some fresh veggies.
Our initial plan was to stay here for two days then continue south. It’s just so nice, we’re staying until Sunday.

On Friday we went downtown and had lunch and stopped by the very nice bakery once again. We’ll be home by about October 7th. Back to our standard meals which do not include frequent stops by the bakery. Incidentally, Fort Pierce has a wonderful bakery, the Sunrise City Bakery. Each Saturday we go walking downtown to the Green Market and buy one sticky bun to split three ways. That’s our sole weekly treat.
The downtown area in Grand Haven was having a contest to see who could build the most beautiful “rocket fish”. Over the years, we’ve seen other communities with a mascot of sorts. Fort Pierce has the manatee, Burlington, VT has the cow. Other mascots we’ve seen are moose, pigs, salmon and hodags. A hodag is a creature that is said to live in the swamps near Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
Here are some pictures of rocket fish and one of a hodag.

An angle rocket fish

Hodag sculpture made from several verified eyewitness accounts.

Friday was a very windy day. We were entertained by a group of sailboarders and kite flyers. The stunt kites were especially interesting.

Sunday was a grey and rainy day. We did the laundry then went grocery shopping winding up for the night at the Holland State Park campground. Filled the gas tank at "only" $3.55/gal. About the cheapest gas of this trip.

We built one last fire from some wood we scrounged from here and there.

Tomorrow we continue south towards Mountain View, Arkansas with the plan of arriving on Saturday, October 1st.

1 comment:

Donna K said...

I enjoyed all your photos tonight. Those "mascots" are something else. Travel safe.